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Tekninen tallennus tai pääsy on tarpeen laillisessa tarkoituksessa sellaisten asetusten tallentamiseen, joita tilaaja tai käyttäjä ei ole pyytänyt.
Tekninen tallennus tai pääsy, jota käytetään yksinomaan tilastollisiin tarkoituksiin.
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Teknistä tallennustilaa tai pääsyä tarvitaan käyttäjäprofiilien luomiseen mainosten lähettämistä varten tai käyttäjän seuraamiseksi verkkosivustolla tai useilla verkkosivustoilla vastaavia markkinointitarkoituksia varten.
See what our friends have been posting recently!
HaliPuu posted an update 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Hooray, you can now visit us in your sleep: we made a sleep meditation 😍
We always want to try out new stuff, and this time Riitta got the idea of dream traveling to the HaliPuu forest. Our first Dream Travel is a visit to the wintery Arctic where we hug a tree, sit by the campfire and go cocooning between the trees. Let us know what you…[Read more]
Riitta Raekallio-Wunderink posted an update 2 years, 4 months ago
So proud of this: we won in the Global Culinary Travel Awards, in the category of Best Focus on Wine & Beverages in Culinary Travel! We are all about spreading the love for forests, and our Campfire Barista’s menu reflects our mission through the foresty tastes and ingredients that we use. Thank you so much, World Food Travel Association!…[Read more]
Riitta Raekallio-Wunderink posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago
Ani won the live TreeHugging World Championships 2022 with her speed, dedication and creativity in the freestyle hugging – congratulations Ani! We saw some incredible performances and had a wonderful afternoon hugging trees – you can watch the whole competition on Youtube at
Don’t forget to take part in…[Read more]
Riitta Raekallio-Wunderink posted an update 2 years, 7 months ago
Well what do you think about this: According to Alexis Kelly of Fodor’s Travel, the best latte’s in the world come from our Campfire Barista Steffan, and are best enjoyed in the HaliPuu forest 🤩 That is quite a compliment, don’t you think! Read the article…[Read more]
Riitta Raekallio-Wunderink posted an update 2 years, 9 months ago
During this Sunday’s live broadcast we went tapping birch sap – a energy filled drink straight from the trees. Have no fear, these big birch trees can handle tapping very well, they heal themselves in no time 🌳🥛🤩 BTW, we do our live broadcasts on Instagram at the moment!